The Importance of Hydration and Tips For Drinking More Water

Hydration is essential for everyone. Not only does it help regulate body temperature and blood pressure, but also the functionality of organs and cells.

However, it can be challenging to know how much water to drink and when. This is particularly true for those who are physically active.

1. Keep a water bottle in your car

Maintaining proper hydration is essential when camping, hiking or traveling. Having plenty of water on hand is especially essential during these activities.

Carrying a water bottle in your car is an ideal way to ensure you always have access to fresh drinking water while on-the-go. However, make sure not to leave it unattended in direct sunlight or while parked.

Plastic can leach chemicals such as BPA into your water supply, potentially putting you and your family at risk.

Instead of leaving them out in the sun, store your water bottles in a cooler or ice chest in the trunk of your car. Doing this will protect them from heat and keep them liquid for longer.

2. Drink a glass of water before each meal

Water plays an integral role in our body, from regulating temperature to lubricating joints, protecting organs and tissues, transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells, as well as excreting waste products from the kidneys and liver.

Drinking a glass of water before each meal can help combat weight gain by filling your stomach, making you feel more satisfied and encouraging satiety. It also prevents overeating and bloating which may be issues when trying to shed some pounds.

1. Reduces saliva: Drinking water during meals can cause a decrease in saliva, which inhibits digestion by sending weaker signals to your stomach. As a result, it becomes harder for your body to break down food properly.

2. Dilutes gastric juice: Drinking water during meals tends to dilute your gastric juice, slowing digestion and leading to undigested food leaking into your system, leading to acid reflux or heartburn symptoms.

3. Drink water before and during exercise

Staying hydrated while exercising in the gym or on the treadmill is essential for optimizing performance. Dehydration can cause your body to heat up, raising heart rate and blood pressure.

Before and during exercise, replenish lost fluids by drinking several sips of water or a sports drink. Health professionals suggest drinking 17-20 ounces two to three hours prior to exercising, 8 ounces every 10-20 minutes during activity, and another 8-ounce serving afterward for optimal hydration.

Banner’s sports medicine specialists suggest that drinking more water during exercise increases endurance and pain tolerance, helping you perform at your best for longer.

4. Drink water after each meal

Hydration is essential for overall wellbeing. Without it, your body cannot function and could potentially develop serious issues.

The Institute of Medicine recommends that adult men consume 131 ounces (just under 13 cups) of water daily, and women need 74 ounces to ensure adequate hydration. The recommendation is based on factors such as age, gender, activity level and ambient temperature.

Drinking water after each meal is also essential to help you feel full and reduce your appetite, which could ultimately aid in weight loss efforts.

However, drinking too much water after a meal can dilute your stomach’s natural digestive juices and enzymes, leading to acidity or heartburn.

Drinking water before and during meals has many advantages, but some experts argue that it may hinder digestion and lead to weight gain. Furthermore, water increases insulin levels in your system.

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