Has Bonding Ruined My Teeth?

If you have chipped, discolored, or crooked teeth, you may be wondering if cosmetic bonding is the right treatment for you. While cosmetic bonding can be an effective solution for front-tooth chipping, there are many factors that should be considered before undergoing the procedure.

The first thing to consider is the durability of the composite resin used in dental bonding. Although composite resin is stronger than natural teeth, it can still chip or break. That is why you should take good care of your bonding. If you eat hard foods that damage the composite resin, it can wear down. Composite resin does not resist stains as well as natural tooth enamel, so you are at higher risk of long-term discoloration. If this happens, you’ll probably need to replace your bond or consider veneers.

If you want your new bonding to last as long as possible, you need to follow the instructions given by your dentist. You should avoid using abrasive cleaning products. Baking soda is very abrasive, and can scrub away the polish used for dental bonding. In addition, you should avoid using whitening toothpastes that contain abrasive ingredients.

The lifespan of dental bonding varies, but it is generally between three to 10 years. It can also be compromised by habits such as chewing on pens or using your teeth to open packages. If you notice any sharp edges, call your dentist as soon as possible. In general, dental bonding is safe and effective when properly performed.

Another downside to tooth bonding is that the composite resin used is not as durable as natural tooth enamel, so it is possible for your teeth to separate from each other. This can cause the composite resin to chip or break. You’ll also need to avoid chewing on ice, biting down on hard candies, and biting your nails.

The pros and cons of dental bonding should be discussed with your dentist before you decide on the treatment. There are many benefits to this procedure, including a quick, affordable, and convenient way to repair your teeth. The procedure is also effective for treating minor teeth flaws. In some cases, it can even correct major problems in your oral health.

Although cosmetic bonding can help repair chipped teeth, it does not whiten your teeth. If your teeth are very dark or have severe decay, composite bonding may not be the best option for you. The resulting composite material will not match your natural tooth structure and will stand out. This means that it is not recommended for people who need to have their front teeth whitening.

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