The Importance of Regular Health Screenings

Health screenings help doctors find diseases and conditions in their early stages when they may be easier to treat. Routine tests such as blood pressure checks, blood glucose tests, bowel…

The Link Between Oral Health and Overall Wellbeing

Most people don’t think of their oral health as part of their overall well being, and this can be problematic. When bacteria in the mouth aren’t controlled, they can enter…

Tips For Improving Digestive Health

Your digestive system works nonstop to fuel every cell in your body and remove waste. If you suffer from GI symptoms like bloating, gas and constipation, taking steps to improve…

Exploring the Diet-Mental Health Connection

Your brain requires daily fuel from the foods you eat to function optimally and keeping a diet rich in proteins, vegetables and fruit will ensure optimal functioning and overall happiness…

Discovering Your Chronotype – How Your Internal Clock Influences Sleep and Productivity

Understanding your chronotype could make you a more efficient worker and enable you to adapt your schedule so that it supports your natural rhythms. This article will introduce you to…

How to Incorporate More Movement and Activity in Your Daily Life

Exercise helps strengthen your body’s ability to circulate oxygen and nutrients throughout your system, increasing circulation of both nutrients and oxygen to muscles and ligaments, decreasing risk for joint and…

The Importance of Hydration for Optimal Health

Starting by drinking eight glasses of water daily is an excellent way to stay hydrated; however, that alone won’t do. Water provides many bodily functions, from lubricating joints and eyes…

Coping With Chronic Pain: Holistic Approaches and Pain Management Techniques

When chronic pain interferes with your ability to function, it can make you irritable and depressed – worsening both physical and psychological symptoms. Your emotional distress feeds this pain even…

5 Effective Stress-Relief Techniques You Haven’t Tried Yet

No matter the source, whether it be road rage, work meetings that make us anxious, or simply feeling overwhelmed – there are ways to alleviate stress that don’t involve medication…

The Effects of Technology on Sleep and Health

Technology helps people stay connected and entertained, but it may have a detrimental impact on sleep. According to some experts, technology may even disturb our natural REM cycles and disrupt…