Coping With Chronic Pain: Holistic Approaches and Pain Management Techniques

When chronic pain interferes with your ability to function, it can make you irritable and depressed – worsening both physical and psychological symptoms. Your emotional distress feeds this pain even further.

Learn to manage chronic pain using holistic approaches that treat the whole person, such as alternative therapies, exercise, healthy diet, proper sleeping habits and stress management techniques.

Physical Therapy

People living with chronic pain are at an increased risk for emotional and physical strain. Psychologists specialize in helping these individuals manage the psychological and behavioral aspects of chronic pain management; they may teach tools such as activity pacing to conserve energy and avoid increased discomfort, as well as techniques such as distraction and relaxation to alleviate stress levels.

Chronic pain can impede on an individual’s ability to work, maintain relationships and enjoy activities they once enjoyed – leading to psychological distress that further compounds pain. Psychologists offer holistic pain management programs which may include medication and various holistic practices like yoga meditation and acupuncture as treatments.


At some point in our lives, most of us will experience pain ranging from bee stings to the discomfort caused by an ankle sprain. But chronic discomfort can last for days, months, or even years making it more challenging than usual to cope.

There are several holistic approaches available to aid chronic pain management without resorting to harmful pharmaceuticals, and one excellent place to begin would be meeting with a therapist.

Buvanendran notes that chronic pain can create emotional distress, making it harder to manage physical discomfort. This often leaves individuals feeling burdensome to friends and family members – leading them to isolate themselves further exacerbated the pain and emotional distress. Cognitive behavioral therapy and biofeedback therapies may provide effective methods of breaking this cycle.


Pain can be experienced physically, but its effect extends well beyond physical health. People living with chronic pain are at an increased risk for mood and anxiety disorders that compound their discomfort while making daily tasks harder to complete.

Learning to control stress levels can also help relieve pain symptoms. These techniques include breathing exercises, body scan meditations and tai chi exercises which can be practiced both alone or with guidance from a teacher.

Holistic treatments aim to treat the source of pain rather than simply mask its symptoms, making them potentially more effective than addictive painkillers while potentially having less side effects. A holistic approach can work for everyone.


Dealing with chronic pain effectively depends heavily on how people cope and deal with their condition. People living with persistent discomfort may not find relief through prescription medicines or traditional medical therapies alone, and may turn to alternative strategies in order to manage their discomfort.

At some point in their lives, everyone experiences pain – whether from an insect sting or the discomfort caused by sprained ankles. Chronic pain is different; it persists even if its source changes; it may come and go, yet can become very challenging to live with and can even cause emotional issues like anxiety and depression. Luckily, effective treatment for chronic pain exists.


Inflammation is a natural response of your immune system, but chronic inflammation can be detrimental to health and lead to conditions like heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and arthritis. By decreasing inflammation through diet reduction strategies you may help alleviate pain associated with these ailments and find relief more quickly.

Sleep and a nutritious diet are key components of managing chronic pain effectively. Try including more fruits, vegetables, protein-rich foods, complex carbs and low-fat dairy in your meals as part of an overall plan to better your chances of managing chronic discomfort.

Physical activity has been shown to reduce pain, improve sleep and ease anxiety; however, those living with chronic pain often encounter barriers which impede their participation. A holistic wellness coach can work with you to identify and overcome these barriers using trauma-informed motivational interviewing techniques.

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